Québec LCI Database projet
Recognizing the importance of developing a life cycle inventory (LCI) database for the province, the Québec Government (MDDEFP) has consented to the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur le cycle de vie des produits, procédés et services (CIRAIG) funding of $1,5 million to develop a database for life cycle inventory (LCI).
A complete and reliable database is the cornerstone of all management tools lifecycle (PLM), such as life cycle analysis and environmental product declarations.
The Québec LCI Database will support government efforts in sustainable development while working to enhance the competitiveness of the industry. The starting point of this 3 year project is an adaptation of the Québec major Swiss ecoinvent database by starting with data from the following sectors: pulp and paper, energy, mining and metals. This funding will provide support including toll-free for companies to provide data.
For this project to pave the way for a database of world-class, the information gathered must be reliable, relevant and accurate. To achieve this, the contribution of all industry players, across all sectors is essential.
With your help, this database will become a benchmark inventory and provide Québec a real competitive advantage. Québec will foster its leadership in LCA and LCI databases, joining the ranks of Japan, U.S., China and some European countries.
For details, see: www.ciraig.org/fr/bd-icv.php